Monday, February 20, 2012

Sculpture Stages!

When we are creating a sculpture there are a lot of different stages to go through!

The first one is coming up with the perfect idea and brainstorming it. The next one is drawing a sketch of what we imagine the sculpture will look like. We usually place this drawing in a photo of the environment where it will be placed just so we can get it completely perfect before we start creating it.

This is a sketch for a new sculpture we are designing.

Sculptures for Zoos

We have been talking to Australia Zoo about creating a huge crocodile for them!

This has been exciting and has really made us stop and think. We think that creating a sculpture for a zoo is an amazing thing to do. We really believe in this project because it is bringing further awareness to Australian animals and in a way preserves them forever in a beautiful and striking memorial.

We have also done a lot of research about animal cruelty in Australia. The amount of homeless animals and abuse that takes place is intolerable. As artists we want to give a voice to the animals.

We came across an incredible artist called Takeshi Kawano. He is a Japanese artist who created three sculptures that represent the impact of global warming on animals, and how they are practically disappearing right before our eyes. We think this idea is magnificent and at the moment it is our greatest inspiration.

Monday, February 13, 2012


We look at art as a sort of release from all the stressful daily activities we are put through. This is why believe it is incredibly important to have a beautiful space to create our artworks.

We like to keep the vibe in our studio fun, quirky and not so serious! There is always paint and brushes everywhere but we are learning that is ok. Studios should be messy, free-flowing and allow creative minds to flourish!

I hope you like my recent addition to the Gillie and Marc Studio.

Unconditional Love

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures. They give unconditional love!!

Our gorgeous dog Moby just loves to stand in the rain and that means he gets so smelly!!! We put him through a wash once a month and he hates the water. The best thing is though is that he still loves us as much after the wash and hugs are welcome because he is even more cuddly, fluffy and most importantly CLEAN!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Our new Style

Title:  The evolutionary process of uninhibited breeding

Again here we are experimenting with being more free-flowing with the way we paint! So much fun and such an amazing feeling creating big strokes across the canvas - I think everyone should try it once in their life!

Images and Words

I have decided to collaborate some beautiful images with quotes of us. Our whole life revolves around Art and Love and so I thought this was a simple way for you to understand us a little bit more. 

Enjoy x

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Inspiration - a huge part of being an artist!

“Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.”

We are constantly on the look out for inspirational art pieces! Being inspired by other artists plays a huge part in our lives. We have been talking to a lot of zoo's lately about creating animal pieces to help raise awareness about endangered animals and species in Australia.

We stumbled upon this idea thanks to Doctor Wirth who really made us stop and think about the protection of animals. Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to and this is why we want to help animals any way we can.

In light of this new thought we got researching!! I want to share some beautiful sculptures that have inspired us for the near future!

And of course here is one of our own that you haven't seen yet!!!