Monday, February 20, 2012

Sculptures for Zoos

We have been talking to Australia Zoo about creating a huge crocodile for them!

This has been exciting and has really made us stop and think. We think that creating a sculpture for a zoo is an amazing thing to do. We really believe in this project because it is bringing further awareness to Australian animals and in a way preserves them forever in a beautiful and striking memorial.

We have also done a lot of research about animal cruelty in Australia. The amount of homeless animals and abuse that takes place is intolerable. As artists we want to give a voice to the animals.

We came across an incredible artist called Takeshi Kawano. He is a Japanese artist who created three sculptures that represent the impact of global warming on animals, and how they are practically disappearing right before our eyes. We think this idea is magnificent and at the moment it is our greatest inspiration.

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