Sunday, June 17, 2012

Essay on Gillie and Marc by Jacqueline Kouper

An eight meter bright red enamel sculpture will photograph the guest as they enter the foyer of the soon be opened Four Seasons Hotel in Beijing. Paparazi Boy is a dogman hybrid cameraman with an impeccably sculptured body – boasting an enviable ‘six pack’ - and is the latest commissioned installation by award winning and internationally acclaimed artists, Gillie and Marc Schattner.
Fusing surrealism with a biographical narrative, and a splash of tragicomic controversy, their art truly captivates, pushing way beyond conventional thought and traditional paradigms.  Their unique way of commenting on life, love and humankind has drawn praise and interest from around the globe.
For more than twenty years Gillie and Marc have been crafting their work in a way that truly reflects the uniqueness of their art.  Gillie stands on the left and Marc on the right and together they paint and sculpt.  It is an incredibly connected synergy producing art that transcends boundaries and challenges traditional protocols, and conservative thought.
Gillie and Marc's unparalleled love is the cornerstone of what they are and of what they create.  Meeting in Hong Kong, she was a nurse from England and he, a boy from the 'burbs' of Melbourne. Wanting only to find a soul-mate with which to share their passions for art, travel and adventure, seven days later they were married at the foothills of Mount Everest.  They not only share an unsurpassed dedication to their art but also love for their two children, whom Gillie describes as their 'best friends' - along with their mutt, Moby, of course.
Studying art during their youths, Gillie and Marc were both profoundly influenced by famed French sculptor Rodin, whose work they considered to be avant-garde, as well as Picasso, Magritte, Dali and the Colombian sculptor Botero. In more recent years the works of British artist Damian Hirst, have fascinated and inspired them. 
Initially, Gillie and Marc painted and designed, but have moved deeply into sculpture - giant gobsmacking sculpture, creating commissioned works for: Australia Zoo; Sydney Children's Hospital; Australian Red Cross Blood Service; Hilton Hotel Singapore; and McDonald's Corporate Headquarters in Singapore; and recently the Ying Ren Four Seasons Hotel in Beijing. They enjoy crafting in all sculpture mediums including bronze, brass, steel, wood, fibreglass and polyresin.
Awards and accolades are numerous for the Schattner’s.  In 2006 they were Archibald Prize finalists. He'll never be famous but he doesn't give a damn, he's a musician, a painting, earned them first prize at the 2009 Chianciano Biennale, set in Tuscany. This work features a Dalmatian dog/man hybrid, playing guitar. Their life-like fibreglass sculptural piece, Bondi Coffee Dog, appeared in the Florence Biennale in the same year.
Stretching controversy further is their work, If Jesus was alive today he would be a skateboarder, which featured in the inaugural 2009 Blake Prize Director's Cut, an online exhibition.  Gillie and Marc will also feature work in the 2012 public exhibition of Sculptures by the Sea at Bondi Beach.
But what does their post-modern blend of ‘tragicomic chic’ art mean?
In Gillie and Marc's work we see a rare fusion of man and nature.  Gillie and Marc emphatically believe that man has become disconnected from his environment, destroying it.  They remain hopeful and dream of reconciliation.  Man's best friend is his dog, always has been and always will be and for Gillie and Marc, he is more than just a companion.  Dog is a means to express, comment and explore life, man, what he was, what he has become, and what he can be.  Creating a hybrid dogman, the head is the dog and the body the man – not surprising - Gillie and Marc share optimism that man and nature can live in the future, the way they were intended.  Given the dog is an animal who is intimately involved in our world; he is an ideal "bridge" to nature.
But for Gillie and Marc, their dogman needed a companion and so he chose a rabbit-woman.  In nature the dog is a predator of the rabbit, but in Gillie’s and Marc's world they create a profound and harmonious relationship, to express that the impossible is possible - creating a language of hope and dreams.  Animal Attraction has been a biographical collection of paintings and bronze sculptures that celebrates love, partnership and creativity, as the dog and rabbit continue their adventure into the imagination.
Gillie’s and Marc's iconic and now infamous giant Good Boy sculpture depicts a hybrid dogman crouched on all fours, holding a cup of coffee.  It challenges us to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, to just enjoy what is right in front of us.  For the Schattner’s, they believe that the dog brings out our humanity.  Good Boy is a flawlessly created nude but despite the forty centimetre phallus, it is not gratuitous pornography but a celebration of nature and the human form drawn out from us by the dog.
If Jesus was alive today he would be a skateboarder, simply and intricately lifelike, recreates Jesus riding a skateboard.  When Jesus walked the earth he was a youthful rebel.  A simple carpenter, Jesus hung out with outcasts, and was seen by most of society, as a misfit. He spoke to small crowds and pushed his ideas principally through twelve young men. He had ideas of a better way of life and chose to demonstrate those ideas by living that life. So if he was around today, he would probably do the same. Jesus would be a skateboarder.
Riding a rhinoceros, their ‘dogman’ is the subject matter for another awesome sculpture, The journey of two minds. Only man is responsible for threatening this harmless herbivore, as in nature no animal hunts the rhino. Riding the rhino, dogman has united himself with nature and can now unite himself with the rhino.
Once again, in their statuesque six metre towering sculpture of a naked dogman kneeling down and eating an ice-cream, He didn’t know at the time, but years from now, he would look back and realise that this was the happiest day of his life, the Schattner’s beckon us to return to enjoying the simple pleasures in life.
Corporate Dog dresses their dogman in a business suit.  Globally we tackle environmental issues and wrestle with corporations and countries to adopt better ideals to help save our planet. However, we can’t even pick up our own dog droppings, which in fact, cause more harm to the environment that we don’t even consider.  By dressing their dogman in a business suit, Gillie and Marc challenge the corporate world to preserve our environment.
As contemporary artists, the Schattner’s believe it is the duty of an artist to push boundaries, to challenge the status quo and effect change. In 2005 these two delectable artists created the exhibition Life Can’t Wait, which featured twelve Australian's whose lives could be saved or improved with an organ or tissue transplant. The exhibition toured Australia raising awareness.
Gillie believes that:
'We, the contemporary artist pull apart the world, so it can be put back together as something different.' Gillie maintains that they hope to encourage people to ‘‘start thinking more like a dog’’. ‘‘Turn off your phone, switch off Twitter, have a roll in the grass and honour the spirit of the dog to show us a better way of being a human.’’

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This is a sculpture we are creating for Wellington Zoo in New Zealand of two of their chimpanzees.


The crucifix is a universal symbol of sacrifice, hope and unification.
The Olympics share the same attributes.
It’s therefore timely with the 2012 London Olympics to remind our selves of the universal message of ‘The Immortal Crucifix.’

Thursday, June 7, 2012


We are working on doing different types of animal. Here are 3 crows sitting on a wire.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We have been very busy with meetings about the placement of our Sculpture by the Sea artwork, and this is the spot that it is going to be - overlooking Tamarama Beach.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Newest Pictures

Our 8 metre sculpture has been coloured red, which is very exciting as it means it is nearly finished!
Here are the latest Pics....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

We just came back from our show in Perth!

Check out the link for more information to our Perth Gallery - Linton and Kay.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Gillie and Marc get into Sculptures By The Sea, Bondi!

Gillie and Marc are excited to let you know that their sculpture of nude dog/man and rabbit/woman travelers riding a donkey will be featured in Sculptures By The Sea, Bondi Beach, this October.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Clay

The clay of our sculpture is such a hands on beautiful part of the process... here are some pics of Dog-man and Hippo.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pouring bronze

Pouring the bronze is quite a magical and beautiful part of the whole process... as you can see in these images.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Paparazzi Camera Dog

This is our latest creation still in the making process! We created this for Chada, a number one interior design company to be placed in a new hotel in the heart of Beijing.

Monday, April 9, 2012


This is us transporting our sculptures!

Run for your life

This is our newest sculpture titled: Run for your Life.

It is going to be placed in Australia Zoo and is going to be unveiled on Steve Irwin Day in memory of his life.

Here is the first part of the process: the clay.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Art in the World

Today we found this image and instantly fell in love with it! I think that it is so true and really art is every where that you look!!

We have been trying to try and create different animals and we think that horses are magnificent creatures to create. 

They have such a beautiful nature and amazing stature that we want to try and capture in a bronze sculpture.

Horses lend us the wings we lack.

Here are some inspirational horse sculptures.

The environment in which a sculpture is placed is almost as important as the sculpture it self. We have been trying to really incorporate the environment more and have been looking into creating 'sunken' sculptures where they are placed inside the concrete and have the illusion of coming out of the concrete. Here is one of our older sculptures in a new environment. 


Part of our process involves making a clay mould. This is the clay mould of our newest sculpture ! We will post the finished product soon!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our Art House

Our house is full of art! Every single wall and white space is covered and it just gives our place so much colour and personality!

We really want to create pieces for other people's houses and art for their interiors! Here is a recent photo taken of our dining room...

We also wanted to share with you some of our old sculptures in new spaces! We think that the environment in which a sculpture is placed really makes a huge difference as it adds a story to the piece.

Although we love bronzes we are really trying to keep our eyes open to other materials such as fiberglass, glass and even taxidermy.

It's Archibald, Sulman and Wynne Prize time!!

Here are the boys taking in our Sulman Entry to Art Gallery NSW and filmed by Channel 9

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sculpture Stages!

When we are creating a sculpture there are a lot of different stages to go through!

The first one is coming up with the perfect idea and brainstorming it. The next one is drawing a sketch of what we imagine the sculpture will look like. We usually place this drawing in a photo of the environment where it will be placed just so we can get it completely perfect before we start creating it.

This is a sketch for a new sculpture we are designing.

Sculptures for Zoos

We have been talking to Australia Zoo about creating a huge crocodile for them!

This has been exciting and has really made us stop and think. We think that creating a sculpture for a zoo is an amazing thing to do. We really believe in this project because it is bringing further awareness to Australian animals and in a way preserves them forever in a beautiful and striking memorial.

We have also done a lot of research about animal cruelty in Australia. The amount of homeless animals and abuse that takes place is intolerable. As artists we want to give a voice to the animals.

We came across an incredible artist called Takeshi Kawano. He is a Japanese artist who created three sculptures that represent the impact of global warming on animals, and how they are practically disappearing right before our eyes. We think this idea is magnificent and at the moment it is our greatest inspiration.

Monday, February 13, 2012


We look at art as a sort of release from all the stressful daily activities we are put through. This is why believe it is incredibly important to have a beautiful space to create our artworks.

We like to keep the vibe in our studio fun, quirky and not so serious! There is always paint and brushes everywhere but we are learning that is ok. Studios should be messy, free-flowing and allow creative minds to flourish!

I hope you like my recent addition to the Gillie and Marc Studio.

Unconditional Love

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures. They give unconditional love!!

Our gorgeous dog Moby just loves to stand in the rain and that means he gets so smelly!!! We put him through a wash once a month and he hates the water. The best thing is though is that he still loves us as much after the wash and hugs are welcome because he is even more cuddly, fluffy and most importantly CLEAN!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Our new Style

Title:  The evolutionary process of uninhibited breeding

Again here we are experimenting with being more free-flowing with the way we paint! So much fun and such an amazing feeling creating big strokes across the canvas - I think everyone should try it once in their life!

Images and Words

I have decided to collaborate some beautiful images with quotes of us. Our whole life revolves around Art and Love and so I thought this was a simple way for you to understand us a little bit more. 

Enjoy x