Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Art in the World

Today we found this image and instantly fell in love with it! I think that it is so true and really art is every where that you look!!

We have been trying to try and create different animals and we think that horses are magnificent creatures to create. 

They have such a beautiful nature and amazing stature that we want to try and capture in a bronze sculpture.

Horses lend us the wings we lack.

Here are some inspirational horse sculptures.

The environment in which a sculpture is placed is almost as important as the sculpture it self. We have been trying to really incorporate the environment more and have been looking into creating 'sunken' sculptures where they are placed inside the concrete and have the illusion of coming out of the concrete. Here is one of our older sculptures in a new environment. 


Part of our process involves making a clay mould. This is the clay mould of our newest sculpture ! We will post the finished product soon!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our Art House

Our house is full of art! Every single wall and white space is covered and it just gives our place so much colour and personality!

We really want to create pieces for other people's houses and art for their interiors! Here is a recent photo taken of our dining room...

We also wanted to share with you some of our old sculptures in new spaces! We think that the environment in which a sculpture is placed really makes a huge difference as it adds a story to the piece.

Although we love bronzes we are really trying to keep our eyes open to other materials such as fiberglass, glass and even taxidermy.

It's Archibald, Sulman and Wynne Prize time!!

Here are the boys taking in our Sulman Entry to Art Gallery NSW and filmed by Channel 9